Your Life Insurance Can Help Solve Some of the World’s Problems!

Did you know? 2.5 million older adults, just like you, every year, will walk away from their life insurance policies with little or nothing to show for all those years of paid premiums. Why? Life has changed, and they may no longer need the benefits, may not be able to afford the payments, or may want to spend the premium money differently, and they do not know there may be a legal option within their rights. But we’re about to share a little-known fact: you can sell it!
Yes, sell it and use the proceeds for yourself and help others less fortunate. You can’t solve all the world’s problems but you can make a meaningful difference for some, a beneficial legacy for those in need. Any life insurance policy (including term policies) is your own asset – just like your car or house. As with any asset, it can be sold. With life insurance policies, the process is called a life insurance settlement, or a life settlement for short.

On average, selling a policy will return 300% – 500% of the cash surrender value. We are life settlement specialists and work with our nonprofit partners, like the Dementia Society of America®, to help make the world a better place.
For more information please view our short video, and review our Frequently Asked Questions. You always can call or contact us by using the form below.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a life insurance settlement?A life insurance settlement is the sale of a life insurance policy to a third party for an amount greater than the cash surrender value. Typically, the sale involves an insured age 65 or older with a policy that is no longer needed, wanted, or affordable to an investment company that provides the owner of the policy with a lump sum cash settlement. This secondary market for life insurance contracts provides an alternative to accepting the issuing insurance company's surrender value for the policy.
What are the most common life insurance settlement situations?The Sale of a Business or Illiquid Asset Business Owner Retiring or Exiting the Business A Decline in Estate Value and/or Decrease in Estate Tax Liability Term Policies or Riders That Are About to Expire, Lose Their Conversion Privilege, or Come to the End of Their Current Premium Guarantee Retirement The Policy Is No Longer Affordable Due to Policy Performance Chronic Illness
What types of policies can qualify for a life insurance settlement?Universal Life Term Whole Life First-to-Die Second- to- Die Group, If Convertible
How can the proceeds from a life insurance settlement be used?Create Capital for Charitable Giving Supplement Income Fund Investments Provide for Educational Funds or Current Gifts Create Capital for Business Opportunities Pay for Medical Services Lower Debt Purchase Annuities Save for Long-Term Care ANYTHING - the Proceeds Are Unrestricted
How do investors determine how much they will pay for a policy?Each client and situation are unique, as are each investor group's objectives. There are many factors used to determine the value of a policy, but the basics are: Age Health History Policy Face Value Type of Policy Premium Policy Loans And more...
What is the minimum face value of a policy that can be sold?The minimum face value can be as low as $100,000.
Does the entire face amount of the life policy have to be sold?No, the entire policy does not have to be sold. Any portion of the face amount can be sold. Just let us know how much you want to sell.
How long does the process take?Typically, the entire process from application to completion can take 2 - 4 months. It can take 2 - 3 months to receive offers from investors, and about 30 - 60 days to complete the paperwork, if an offer is accepted. But, every client is different and the process can be a little shorter or longer, depending upon the circumstances. If selling a term policy, we recommend starting at least 6 months prior to the end of the term to allow plenty of time for completion.
How can I receive more information about life insurance settlements?Please feel free to call or email us if you would like to discuss a potential life insurance settlement situation, have any questions or would like additional information. We are delighted to help! We also have a 20-page consumer brochure available which is published by the Life Insurance Settlements Association (LISA), as well as a brief informational flyer. To request a copy of the brochure or flyer, please contact us or fill out the form on our "contact us" page, and we will send it to you. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service!
Does it cost anything to apply?We are passionate about taking care of clients, and believe we need to earn your business! There is no cost to apply and there is no obligation. If the client does not approve of the amount offered by an investor, that client can simply walk away. It can't hurt to try - It can only hurt not to!
Why walk away from an unwanted or unneeded life insurance policy? Let Rehburg Life Insurance Settlements show you the value of your “hidden asset”.
Contact us for more information or to discuss your policy.
We are here to assist you!

Proudly Serving Clients Nationwide
CA License #0825962. National Producer License #2552103
Rehburg Life Insurance Settlements

Rehburg Life Insurance Settlements
Lisa Rehburg, Broker
Phone: (714) 349-7981
Email: Lrehburg@aol.com