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Rehburg Life Insurance Settlements, Life Settlement Broker, Sell Your Life Insurance Policy, Unwanted Unneeded Life Insurance Policies, Life Insurance Policy, Life Settlement, Lisa Rehburg Broker

Life Insurance Settlements

Lisa Rehburg, Broker

  • Writer's pictureLisa Rehburg

Life Insurance Settlements Market Statistics for 2023 Released

Life Insurance Settlements Association Logo

The Life Insurance Settlements Association, LISA, recently released their 2023 market data report. The bottom line - great news for clients and their advisors.

Here are the numbers:

  • 3218 total policies sold (up from 3071 in 2022)

  • $842 million paid to consumers (up from $770 million)

  • $707 million more paid for policies than lapsing or surrendering (up from $610 million)

  • 6.2 times higher than the cash surrender value (up from 5.2 times)

  • $262,000 more in client's pockets, on average, for completion of their life settlement transaction (up from $250,500)

According to LISA, policies with more than $100 billion of face value are lapsed by seniors over age 65 each year.  Before you or your client lapses or surrenders a life insurance policy, please consider selling the policy. This can be a much better financial option.

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